Frequently asked questions

Looking for the answer to a question? Many questions have been asked to us before. We have listed these with the answers. Maybe your question is also among them.

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Can you also do a mobility scan of our company? And advise us on our mobility policy?

In a no-obligation meeting, we would like to learn more about your company and current mobility scheme. How is it roughly structured now, which trips are mainly made now and which way do you want to go? If we then start working together, we can do a comprehensive mobility scan. We look at current travel behaviour, travel costs and allowances and systems used. Looking at how bicycle parking and parking spaces are currently functioning is also part of the scan. An optional employee survey is also available, in which we ask about their experiences and wishes. With this information, we help you shape your mobility policy and translate it into the right configuration of our system.

Want to know more or get started right away? Get in touch with us!

Can I also start with a pilot for a small group of employees?

Does your organisation consist of many employees and do you find it exciting to transition all at once? In some cases, a pilot offers a solution. In our experience, it allows you to quickly take the first steps, together with your employees. A pilot can also provide just that little bit of comfort in case of a proposed new mobility scheme or specific questions. Want to know more about how we help customers go from pilot to roll-out? Contact us here.

Do you offer full claim options for travel expenses, mileage and working from home? How do we set the right allowances for that?

Yes, and even more. For travel expenses, kilometres and working from home, you as an employer decide what allowances you give from your mobility scheme. We then set that up for you in our platform. For example, you can encourage cycling by giving a higher allowance for that. In the Gaiyo App or in the Portal, employees then enter their trips or home working days. The advantage for you as an employer is that you get a complete overview of all commuting and business trips, both with expense claims and directly paid trips via the App or Card, for the CO2 registration obligation. Read more about our declaration module here.

Can my employees also use mobility services privately?

Yes, and that too privacy friendly! With the Gaiyo app, employees can pre-define for each trip whether it is business, commuting or private. In the app or in the portal, you can see an overview of the trips made. Private rides employees normally pay from their own wallet. These trips are not shown in the employer portal due to privacy.

We also support the new tax scheme, where employers can let their employees use our public transport pass in a tax-friendly way.

Can you integrate with our HR and/or payroll system?

Yes, you can. We offer several options for directly and easily exchanging data with an HR system when an employee joins or leaves the company. E.g. with an API link or frequent export files that we automatically read in. If required, we can also link with a payroll system using frequent files or an API.

Can we get separate invoices for each company/business unit/cost centre?

You can. Let your contact at Gaiyo know and we will make it happen for you.

Can I use Gaiyo in NL and BE for my employees?

Yes definitely. Across the Netherlands, employees can use the Gaiyo App and Card. From shared transport to parking, and from loading to car washing. In Belgium, we are growing and already offer some options as well. Please contact us for this.

Is Gaiyo free to use?

Yes, you can use the Gaiyo app for free.

Do I have to give the app access to my location?

Not necessarily. Gaiyo also works without giving the app access to your location, but you won’t be able to see certain information, such as the distances to parking locations or transportion option nearby your location. So we do recommend allowing the app access.

Where can I find my last transactions?

  • 1. In the dashboard, click on the menu, the three bars at the top right.
  • 2. Then click on "Wallet."
  • 3. Then click on "Transactions."
  • 4. Here you will find all the receipts of your transactions including all the details.

I have other questions… What should I do now?

You can always search in our support articles. Unable to find what you’re looking for? Please mail your question to: or call us during office hours on +31(0)85-2500595.

Privacy and access

Do you also offer SSO for our employees?

Easy login saves hassle again for employees. This is why we offer Gaiyo users a Single Sign-On (SSO) solution. Logging in with your employer's business account just once then also works with Gaiyo. A common method for this works through AzureAD.

Want to know more about how we enable SSO for your employees? Get in touch with us!

What do you do about security?

Information security is very important to us. After all, the risks of poor information security are very high, resulting in the likelihood of data breaches. A data leak has direct financial consequences, privacy is directly at stake and your corporate reputation as a customer suffers. That is why we have a clear picture of how, where and what data is stored, who can access it and why. We also have clear agreements on what we do in the unlikely event of a leak or hack. To ensure this, we make sure Gaiyo has the right certifications.

How do you handle employee privacy?

"Gaiyo operates according to the AVG and follows the principles of 'privacy by default' and 'privacy by design'. Personal data that we do not need, we do not request and collect, and personal data is only used for what it is collected for. Importantly, this also allows us to separate private and business/commuting. A trip that is marked as private in Gaiyo is not visible to the employer, unless other agreements have explicitly been made with the employee, for example due to tax-friendly settlement. Even in that case, the employer only sees the amount, not the details of the trip. When we receive information from the employer, this is always based on a processing agreement.

You can find our Privacy Statement and (General) Terms and Conditions here.


What kind of services do you offer for the CO2 registration requirement?

The CO2 registration obligation basically comes down to recording kilometres of business trips and possibly commuting. Your employees can use the Gaiyo App to track their journeys, which we then convert to the correct data for the registration obligation. If they travel with the Gaiyo Card or one of the many affiliated mobility services, we also convert these as travel transactions to the information for the registration obligation. Once a year, you will automatically receive a CO2 report from us, which you can use directly for your annual declaration via RVO.

What do I need to do for the CO2 registration requirement?

In the article 'Ready for CO2 registration duty with Gaiyo', we have listed everything for you.

Mobility policy

I want to be able to use shared mobility in my business area. Can you organise that for us?

Yes, you can. Business parks are often easily accessible by car, but the connection to public transport could be better. Especially with the combination of shared bicycles or shared scooters in addition to the train, your business park becomes more attractive again and all employees and visitors also just travel more sustainably. Together with providers, we can organise that possibility. We already do this in several places, e.g. in Utrecht at business parks Lage Weide, Papendorp and Wetering-Haarrijn and Eindhoven at the High Tech Campus. Contact us for the possibilities!

Do you also offer pool cars and/or pool e-bikes?

Yes, Gaiyo also offers you your own pool cars and/or pool bikes, in addition to the public shared mobility already readily available. If you already have pool cars or bikes, we can unlock them through the Gaiyo App by applying the right technology. If you want to start your own pool mobility, we can offer the full service with cars and bikes. You then book and use all vehicles easily and directly via Gaiyo, and the transactions will show up neatly in your travel summary.

Not sure yet whether pool mobility is for your business? Then we can optionally organise a pilot for three to six months, after which you can decide to continue or stop. And if pool mobility is not for you (yet), consider the possibility of still offering flexibility to your employees with public shared cars or rental cars.

How does it work with the taxation of the mobility we use through you?

Taxation is an important and also complicated subject. Various choices in a mobility scheme have different consequences each time for the tax settlement and therefore also for the gross/net compensation for employees. Mobility budgets, the level of mileage allowances, possibly a public transport pass via the Gaiyo Card and possible additional taxable benefit from a lease car or private use of a pool car; together with you as the employer, we look at what the mobility scheme is and what data we need to provide for it. As an employer, you can then do the correct processing in your payroll system, so that the taxation is also properly completed.

Gaiyo portal

Can I turn on/off certain mobility services per employee?

Yes, that is possible. Your own mobility scheme is the starting point in this. We translate it into our system, with the right settings and access per user, often based on predefined groups or profiles. In addition, we translate your reimbursement policy into our system, allowing you to reimburse employees for journeys they make using their own transport and, for example, to reimburse the bicycle (as a sustainable and healthy option) more than a petrol car. Again, the option to claim is only available if you turn it on for that user group. In this way, we can very specifically turn various services on and off and offer employees the optimal service as you have in mind in your mobility scheme.

How can you detect and report unlawful use (e.g. travelling by public transport outside office hours)?

Prevention is better than cure. Prevention in this case means explaining well in advance to employees what the ground rules are within the mobility scheme. Of course, we can provide support in this. Once employees travel, we always assume good faith; after all, we do not determine whether someone is travelling legitimately or not. And once the journey has been made, it should always be paid for. What we then do is provide insight and overview of trips that "deviate", e.g. a weekend or evening train journey. When something deviates we determine in advance together when implementing the mobility scheme. As an employer, you can see from the reports which trips may have been unlawful, and you can have a discussion with the employee concerned.

What information, reports and/or dashboard do you offer?

You always get all available details of a travel transaction from us in a monthly summary (except for private trips, of course). You can easily import these transaction summaries yourself into your own environment and process them with other data to maintain your own dashboards. You will also receive standard monthly reports containing overviews of use, estimated CO2 emissions, deviations (such as travel outside office hours), etc. We also have standard reports for mobility budgets. And if we also carry out CO2 registration for your company, we will send you the report that you can submit to the government's e-desk.

Should the monthly reports and transaction statements not quite answer the question you have, we can make a customised report in consultation.

Gaiyo account

What does my Gaiyo Account consist of?

Your Gaiyo Account consists of three components. Your online user portal: Gaiyo Portal, the mobile application: Gaiyo App, and the mobility card: Gaiyo Card.

What is my Gaiyo Account user name?

Your username is the e-mail address that your employer provides on your behalf. You use this username to log into the Gaiyo Portal and the Gaiyo App.

My password for account activation and card application has expired. What now?

Click Forgot Password in the Gaiyo Portal login screen. Enter your e-mail address and you will immediately receive a temporary login token via e-mail. This login token gives you 20 minutes to enter a new password.

Note: it is important that you have the tab in which you requested the login token open in the browser in order to enter the login token immediately after receiving it."

What should I do if I forget my password?

Click Forgot Password in the Gaiyo Portal login screen. Enter your e-mail address and you will immediately receive a temporary login token via e-mail. This login token gives you 20 minutes to enter a new password.

Please note that it is important that you have the tab in which you requested the token open in your browser so that you can enter the token immediately after receiving it.

How can I view the trips made from my Gaiyo Account?

By logging into the Gaiyo Portal or into the Gaiyo App, you can manage your data and can also view the transactions you have made. Under the heading Transactions, you will find all registered transactions.

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Do not hesitate and contact us directly via this form. You can also call us on +3188 5272850.