Community huisregels

Welcome to the Community platform of Tripps! Together we want to make the forum a safe and pleasant place for all users. That is why we have drawn up the house rules below.

When you create an account you agree with these house rules. This allows us to ensure that everyone on the platform is having a good time, feels comfortable and can give his or her opinion.

General terms and conditions of the Tripps CommunityThe Tripps beta testers can register for the forum. We expect everyone to respect each other. The community manager reserves the right to exclude users who do not comply with the house rules. Messages can also be deleted or edited without giving a reason or notification.

General behavior

  • Users may only be active under one account.
  • Be respectful, both towards other community members and towards moderators.
  • Use a username, profile photo and / or title that does not contain any provocative or discriminatory expressions or that others may experience as shocking.

A user will not post messages that:

  • Contain discriminatory expressions or exhibit provocative behavior
  • Being sexually tinted
  • Contain swear words and / or an abundance of punctuation marks and capital letters
  • Nothing to do with the intended subject or disrespectful towards other users / moderators

Please note the following when installing (if applicable):

  • Post your message with the correct subject.
  • Formulate a clear title with your message.
  • Post your message only in one place within the community.
  • Be as complete as possible so that moderators have to ask as few questions as possible to find out the problem. Indicate which solutions to your problem you have already tried yourself.
  • The length and format of your responses and messages. It must remain legible for the other participants.

Dealing with moderators
It is not allowed to present yourself as a moderator or to post messages that make you seem involved in the organization. Questions or comments about the moderation can be directed to . Be respectful to moderators and the community manager and follow their instructions.

Report message
To report an inappropriate message, send an email to the community manager via . Here you will be asked to fill in a reason, do this as fully as possible. The community manager / moderators will review the message and take appropriate action.